More practice digital paintings

Whoa, this post looks random. More practice images with different aspects of digital painting focused on.

 Todays speed paint, another desert image based on some wallpaper site ref, although I have made changes the composition to improve things.

 This was mean to be a speed paint from the weekend, focusing on brush economy. That flew out the window and I ended up spending ages to produce this lady. Image is based on some ref that I founds randomly, so I don't know who to credit. Personally not happy with the results.
  Speedy paint from last week, its a harbour warehouse, its that exciting.
 Well this fits into this post nicely, its a semi speed-paint based on image from IGN, taken ingame from the Killzone 2, I have changed the image and added my own ideas. I've picked the image mainly because it uses the blue hue for lighting, oh and it has a robot in it.
er..... its my little skull buddy Tobo Candy, lots of them.